What Does A Gastric Sleeve Do?

What Does A Gastric Sleeve Do?

The gastric sleeve surgery, known as Sleeve Gastrectomy, is a weight loss surgery procedure involving the removal of a large portion of the stomach. The result is a sleeve or tube-like structure that takes away around three-quarters of the stomach. This leaves little room for food to fit into your stomach.

Sleeve Surgery slows down the digestive process so you feel fuller sooner when eating less. It also reduces your appetite, making it easier to stick with your weight loss plan.

Sleeve Surgery Procedure

The surgery is often done laparoscopically (using small keyhole incisions and a thin viewing instrument called a laparoscope) using general anesthesia. The surgery takes about an hour and is done without cutting any muscles — instead, small cuts are made in the stomach wall. A narrow tube with a stapler at the end (an endoscope) is inserted into one of these cuts and used to divide the stomach along its length. The cut edges of the stomach are then stitched together, leaving a tubular passage around the stomach. The top (cardia) and bottom (pylorus) of the stomach are left intact to allow for normal function.

After Surgery

You may experience some nausea after surgery, but this is mostly due to anesthesia or pain medication. You will be able to eat small amounts of food immediately after your procedure, but be sure to chew well. You may also have some temporary discomfort, bloating, or gas as your stomach recovers from the surgery.

Most patients feel ready to eat solid foods within a few days after their procedure. Your doctor will likely advise you on how much and what types of foods you should eat during your recovery period. You are encouraged to eat small meals but may not feel particularly hungry. You can expect your appetite to improve as you heal and will work with your doctor and the staff at TherapyCare to create a safe and healthy diet plan for you.

Once you’re fully healed, Sleeve Surgery creates a new stomach that’s about the size of a banana, just wide enough to fit a few tablespoons of food. Your new stomach is considerably smaller than your original one, so it’s important not to eat too many high-calorie foods. You’ll need to follow a strict diet that will be personalized by your doctor and staff at TherapyCare following surgery. Look for gastric sleeve before and after.
